Okay, have you ever been to those restaurants and see a family of four, enjoying their dinner - Mum, Dad, Brother and Sister? I witnessed plenty when working at a restaurant for the past few months. So blissful, yeah? But wait a minute, take a closer look. Mum's constantly filling her children's plates. Dad's still in his business suit, keeping an eye on his brand new iPhone 5. No, that million dollar email CANNOT be missed. Children can't stop candy crushing on their personal iPads.
"Mum, my dress has brown sauce..."
"It's okay honey, let me clean that for you."
My main point here is, THE KIDS. Oh my god what is wrong with their parents. They study at the best school, and of course they aren't allowed to mix with neighbourhood school students! God, aren't they stupid! One day, just one day, ten years down the road... oh lookie what do we have here.... them as my CEO/boss/higher-up. No I'm not saying I don't and won't respect my higher-ups, I'm talking about them at present. Now. As children.
Sometimes I really can't help it and hate on them. This particular breed of spoilt brats. They're the worst when the thought of them being your future boss just cos they're smarter, getting more As than me. I MEAN SO WHAT? Can you clean your room on your own? Wash the toilet? Do the laundry? Do you even know what 'independent' means? Congrats on getting that A* and another scholarship again, hoorah! As much as I want to be happy for these people, I really do want to punch them. In the face. With a chair. Then a truck. Okay maybe that's too much, but yeah you get the idea.
You know, my family hasn't dined at a decent restaurant for ages. I'm talking about years? The most we ever got to was wedding dinners. Even so, full attendance was close to never. I'm not sulking about how unfair this is - I've already gotten past this stage years ago. These families usually dine-in in town on weekdays, after school where parents pick the children up from school. Aaaand there I was serving them at the restaurant. The worst part? The kids ignored me. No, let me clarify. They ignored their parents when they're asked on their choice of beverages. Candy Crush and Subway Surfer were more important. I mean NOTHING irritates me more than spoilt children disrespecting their parents, then the parents not doing ANYTHING to improve their crappy attitude. DON'T THEY SEE ANYTHING WRONG??? Grades and position can be bought over (yes they can, e.g. bribery), but respect has to be earned. Even if you're Obama, you have to earn the respect of your pet dog in order for it to obey you. Similar to your nation. Hold on, it isn't easy to earn respect though.
Your respect for others speaks A LOT of our parents. They're the ones who raise us, so I absolutely don't get how these parents can live on without feeling bothered about their children's rubbish attitudes. They're your responsibilities!!! *shakes their shoulders very violently*
So yes, as I was saying, these children are actually part of our generation now. They've to be spoon-fed. They don't know the meaning of "fall down seven times, stand up eight". What is failure to them? Nothing. They will always have their parents to back them up. How convenient.
"My business is in the ruins, but it's ok Dad will take care of it...” argh fuck you
Grow up and start taking care of your ageing parents damn it.
Well personally I’m very thankful my parents didn’t raise me up this way. I wouldn’t say their methods were perfect either. However, they were enough to give me space for growth, while keeping me in their bubble of protection. I was aware enough to feel their care and concern for me. Many parents are unable to do this because their teenage children often feel that they ‘don’t care’. Which then leads to quarrels and so on. Yeah many of us will get the flow. I don’t know what to do without my parents. They were always there for me. Well, except for the times I had to do the dishes, wash the toilets, and mop the floor. Add finding my way around outside of home into the list as well. I’d say these are what made me stronger and wiser. Wiser, not smarter. Two different things, get it right. Those times I got lost, had to ask for directions like a local idiot… picked myself up after countless breakdowns before major exams… However bad a situation I was in, I learnt to persevere. No one is going to pick your shit up for you. Not at home at least. *Results may vary, but always satisfying. Maybe that was why I was a tad more mature than the rest in primary school? Idk. People often disagree with my thinking, only to agree months to years later.
Problem, though. This method my parents are using on my brother isn’t helping him at all. He’s getting from bad to worse. Honestly, I’ve realised how they’re spoiling my brother more as each day passes since years ago, and yes I did voice out my opinions. Dad’s always giving in to his only son, same for Mum. They can never have the heart to teach him the hard way. WHY? I just don’t understand. I took it the hard way last time. He’s becoming like one of those brats. If this goes on I can never go on living in this house peacefully. Just lazing around at home and stretching your arms only to get money from your folks isn’t going to be very helpful in future. I swear he’ll turn out to be a sugar daddy/playboy next time. Ugh gross. This, is my brother for you. I received many compliments on how close we’re before, but that was the past. When he was still innocent and young. Now? I just don’t know what to do anymore.
I won’t say my life sucks, cos frankly it doesn’t (I am loved, blessed and happy okay) but the world would be a better place if fairness existed, no?
… But then again, that’s what makes the world go round.
"My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors."
- Maya Angelou
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