DENG DENG DENGGGG!!! Hello my friends I'm back, this time, with a movie review! Those who've watched The Croods will already know why I used "DENG DENG DENGGGG!!!" hahaha.

The Croods is a fantastic family movie for all!
Basically I've always LOVED Dreamworks animation cos one, it's never disappointed me and two, the freaking detailed and precise animation works it produces!! It is very difficult to create moving images with precise details down to even the smallest ones like trees in backgrounds or the slow breathing of a sleeping girl. So great salutations to the producers from Dreamworks! yayyyy
Have you ever cried from watching an animated movie? I have haha. This one moved me to tears during the "I love you too" scene between a father and daughter. I couldn't imagine my dad saying "I love you" to any of us in the family cos he's sorta the typical asian dad who struggles to express his love through words. I've always yearned for a hug from him ever since i grew up and found it awkward to um, hug him or hold hands with him. I'm sure many of us are in this stage now right... c'mon don't make me the only one.
Well The Croods is totally a family movie. It teaches a parent and child so much and opens eyes of both parties a looooot more. Children-friendly yet a script captivating enough to grasp the attention of grown ups. Yeah sure it's a cartoon, but it's goooooood!!! Really really really! It reminds us again the importance of giving and taking, and to parents: to put yourselves in your child's shoes. They may be young and their "issues" may seem trivial to you, but don't start complaining that they aren't sharing their big issues with you when they're older. Not trying to act like a parenting expert here (esp. when I'm only a youth lol) but just expressing my thoughts from experience and what I've observed through the years of my life.
Communication and understanding: 2 most important keys to take note of in ANY relationship. Any one without the other will just lead to a disaster. Whatever we speak, do, etc, just make sure the other party GETS IT. Some people look like they're bloody ignorant and we hate them. Sometimes it's cos they always ASSUME that everyone knows their wants/needs through their actions. Worse still, some don't even act, they ASSUME people know their thoughts, and when they figure that nobody really 'understands' them, they give up. There you have it: that ignorant, hot tempered girl in your class who doesn't give a shit to whatever's happening around her. This is why communication is so very important. It is a 2-way process.
Then understanding comes into place. Nobody was born irritating/ignorant/snobbish/resentful etc. Something must have happened along the way that changed their mindsets. Understand and try to communicate. The worse kind of people are those who're unwilling to learn. Those are people with brains with diamond walls built around it. NOTHING can penetrate into it. Ugh. When we're willing with and open mind (read: open) and heart, we'll become better people. Lead happier lives with lighter hearts cos we'll start seeing things differently.
What I loved most from The Croods is how that family is 99.99% similar to my family. Except that I don't have a baby sister. Eep, the main character, also the eldest daughter, is an adventurous one while her dad is too afraid to take risks. Which explains why they're the last living cavemen, all thanks to Dad's protection. THAT IS SO MY DAD!!! EEP IS SO ME!!! WHY SO CREEPY!!!
The best part:
"No you can't, it's too risky!"
"It's an opportunity."
Many a times we see risks as potential dangers that may harm ourselves or our loved ones, but beyond those daggers may be bountiful opportunities waiting to be discovered. Failed journeys can always be counted as another path known to never take in future. Opportunities come and go, grab them while you can!
Hopefully this post inspired you a bit cos these are my thoughts throughout the past 4 months of holidays. Learnt a lot. Grew a lot, too. Both mentally and physically. creysssss
Okie just some pictures before signing off! Blur cos we painstakingly used the front camera lol.
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