Monday, 1 April 2013


Hey guys, here's something really cool. It's April and I'm finally starting school in less than a month! Whoo no more rotting at home

So whatever happened last Friday was dabombbbbb~ You see, I've this superduper cool group of friends and we're called Aviary don't ask why, and we went over to Sab's new house which is as cool as us... It has a freakin' lift and swimming pool and 3DTV and dat dog. Creamy. Her golden retriever is a very tamed and calm one, really loyal, and happy. So cute I could've died.


Sang karaoke with no time limits and did some crazyass photo shoots with Yanhui's DSLR thinking we were some high-fashion models. Hurhur. Only with Aviary will I do that okay. Top secret photos lol.

Then it got me thinking: how will we be like 10, 20 years down the road? Seeing how reluctant we were when parting ways every time made me sad, cos a group of 10 like us always find it hard to gather as a whole. At least a person will be unable to make it. It's sad, yet heartwarming to see how we still look out for one another and foresee each other's flaws, and each and every one of us are beautiful to me. That's how the rest thinks, too. I know. I don't want us to forget each other. Such a beautiful relationship with beautiful people. If you're gna judge us now, keep in mind that you don't know how much we've gone through together just for every single one in Aviary, so just. go away. okay? Every one of us are so talented in our own ways, I can already see us succeeding in our careers next time :)

That's what friends should be like shouldn't it? Less war, more peace aye! 

I'm gonna end off this short post with 2 AWESOME videos. Spazzzzzzzzz

This one, is by ThePianoGuys. One of my top favs by them. 
Make sure you put on your best earphones before playing it!!

Michael Buble (pronouced: Boo-blay) Cry Me A River
Sounds like the next James Bond song.
Anyways, you still need those earphones for this one.
Trust me.
Till next time dear readers!

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