First things first, the creation of this blog was to voice my thoughts from my routines in my daily boring life and occasionally, updates about it.
So I've been wanting to say something about this topic for quite some time now, hence I foresee a long post eh.
Maturity, as majority sees it, is when a boy starts cracking his voice, experiences crazy hormone changes; it's when a girl starts to feel awkward amongst boys.... You know, the usual things we all went through. These are just physical changes. As much as it seems, they're "mandatory". This is just the process the race of Humanity knows so well - growing up. What is maturity, then?
Maturity is the acceptance of responsibility and is gained through experiences. A 40 year old man may be gambling away his life savings, neglecting his family while an 11 year old boy may be studying hard while doing odd jobs part time lightening his widowed mum's burden. Maturity doesn't come with age, it comes when it comes. Something may have happened overnight, someone may have had a serious talk with you, you gained some kind of enlightenment and finally pledge to live your life to the fullest. Whatever it is, when it comes, you know that this body you're blessed with is very capable of impacting people's lives. I'm not asking you to be the next Mother Theresa and change the world, but it's not gonna kill to maybe just make a difference in at least one person's life.
Tell your best friend you love him/her, run errands for your family, learn a new language, get out of the house and walk around aimlessly (explore!!), work out. Take note of little details like who're your neighbours, who always cares for you, how many seconds does it take to fill your cup full of water. Think. Don't ever hesitate to use your brain cos that's one thing many always forget how important it is. The less rusty your brain is, the more interesting your 'boring' life will be.
When you finally step up and accept the cold hard truth, give and take, forgive and really really forget, live life to its fullest, aim to be a better person everyday, that's maturity. It is easy for me to say, hard for me to do but I admit I'm trying. Go me! Hurhur.
On a less serious note, was surprised with a trip to SEA Aquarium at Sentosa tomorrow!! Hehe über excited, gonna spam lotsa pictures :)
Here's a weirdly adorable picture before I see y'all again in the next post, seeya!
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