BAOC is a camp organised by my school's Business and Accountancy (BA) faculty to bond freshmen and get us to know the campus better. AND I SWEAR IT WAS SO WORTH MY TIME. Words can't express the 3 days I experienced, and fyi it wasn't even an overnight camp. Let me elaborate yes? YES
Everyone was awkward with each other, well except for one or two who were more sociable. I wasn't very interested in taking the initiative to lead or cheer but tried to start conversations nonetheless. We had very friendly leaders (SCs) who led with so much enthusiasm that it could burst through the roofs of the school. The typical ice breaking games and cheers quickly led us to the end of day one. HOWEVER, our whole sub-tribe stayed on for the performance prep for the skit to be done on day three! I initially had no idea what was it about and didn't want to stay cos I live in the east which is 12345678999999 miles away from NP, but hey, it was a once in a lifetime experience, so why not? And guess what was my job. I WAS A CREW MEMBER! YAYYYY. Saikang warrior, to be exact. Lol, judge all you want. All I did was carry props around. Not that easy okay seriously.
We had to report at 745AM. Which meant I had to rise at 530AM. You can already imagine how small my eyes can be, right? Like ---_--- . Lol. I was tired as hell but chugged coffee into my system and was all set for day two. Games all the wayyyyy and I was almost left with close to only 10% energy in me. Subtribe 5 bonded so much that our cheers scored perfect 10s all the time and we were comfortable with each other. We were stepping out of our comfort zones and starting to lead. By 530PM, my body was telling me to go home and sleep. Then I remembered how hard the rest had practiced and cheered for the performance and I persevered on. I couldn't be the only one feeling this way, and I couldn't screw up and spoil the whole thing for the hardworking ones.
And this was it. The last day, and all has come to this. I'm just a crew member, a saikang warrior, working by the sidelines but I could tell how nervous everyone was. Fast forward: the skit went G R E A T, no doubt, and all SCs cheered for us. I didn't perform but at the end of it I was panting like a mad dog. That's why it's hard being a backstage crew cos you're the one running around and every thing has to be in place in like 3-5 freaking seconds!! Our hard work and effort staying back paid off oh yeah :) The best part of BAOC was the SCO/ASCOs' speeches at the end...... made everyone cry.......
I went to BAOC'13 like a lost sheep, confused and wanting to go home cos I was scared it'd get boring. I came back hyped, with no regrets joining the camp and being enthusiastic cos that's the only way camps can get fun. WE make the fun OURSELVES. I don't think I've ever left a camp feeling so emotional before but yes, BAOC totally changed my perspective in everything. People are all different, but give them an identity and a good reason to work together, and all will be equal. Loving all the wonderful SCs, SCOs and ASCOs for taking care of us, never neglecting anyone and letting us look forward to attending school. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. If someone starts a Prestigious Pirate cheer in the middle of Munch or Poolside or Makan Place, I'll drop whatever I'm doing and cheer as loudly as I can cos Once A Pirate, Always A Pirate. YARRRRRRRR!!
Do check out the hashtag #PrestigiousPirates on twitter to find out more or if you don't believe whatever I'm saying!!
So fucking sad BAOC'13 has ended omg
I know this has been a real short post but you must know words cannot express BAOC'13. If only you readers were there to experience it for yourselves. Only NP students can create such amazing amazing camps which makes freshies feel overly attached to their groups and crazy proud to be a Pirate. This is what a successful camp is like and I'm sure I'll remember this in years to come.
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