Sunday, 22 September 2013

Unguarded shield

We spend time and effort to build these shields up, to guard our minds. We think of how much we know about closing doors and chasing empty dreams years after and eventually feel numb. We think nothing can knock us down, until someone who matters come knocking. "Do not enter," was what we would say, but the knocking became louder. Some of us ignored it, some gave in, while others chased that someone away. No matter what, we know how fragile our shields are now. Someone finally has a special place in our minds and hearts, that just a single word or phrase can send our shields all crumbling. We will take what we hear and see and multiply it by ten fold, because what matters to the heart is the key to one's mind. We see our shields fall; our time and effort spent entirely washed away. We thought we could withstand anything. How wrong we were. It was simply a matter of time and place - fate. Put everything where they should be and we see ourselves revisiting our weaknesses we thought we had long banished. Now to decide - to rebuild the shield or let it down? It is a cycle we can never seem to get rid of.
That is how delicate the human mind is. 



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